Wednesday, June 13, 2018

I Couldn't Have Been More Wrong About Atheists

by Luther Reads

I came into Atheism believing certain myths about this group of non believers. I rise today to dispel just a few of these misrepresentations.

  • All Atheists do NOT embrace the idea that our beliefs should be guided by evidence. Hell no! Many atheists believe in a shit ton of ridiculous, fallacious, and poorly reasoned arguments.
  • All Atheists do NOT reject the idea of arbitrarily dividing humanity by birthplace or birthright. Jesus no! Many atheists are racist, sexist, and xenophobic douche bags.
  • All Atheists do NOT approach their own understanding of the world with humility. God no! Many atheists are arrogant assholes who have no sense of the historical progression of knowledge, which will ultimately disprove some of the things we now believe to be true.
  • All Atheists do NOT think critically, being careful not to blindly follow a charismatic leader. Lord no! Many sheep-like Atheists worship at the church of one or more famous Atheists, no matter how short-sighted or mean-spirited their claims are.
  • All Atheists do NOT reject supernatural explanations for unexplainable phenomenons. Heavens no! Many atheists believe in ghosts, spirits, and karma. This has by far been the most baffling to me. BY FAR!!!! What in the entire fuck?!?
  • All Atheists do NOT reject the idea that humans have dominion over plants and animals. Mary Mother of Jesus no! Many Atheists believe that humans have an innate right to dominate and abuse the living organisms we share the Earth with, and even the Earth itself.
  • All Atheists do NOT even reject the idea of God. Christ no! Many so-called Atheists are just mad at their god for something bad that happened in their lives, but yet never considered all the other far worse shit that has been going on in the world for tens of thousands of years.

Crazy right? That's what I say each and every time I realize a new truth about Atheists. And I'm sure there are more -- many many more.


About the Author:

Luther Reads found audio books two years ago, and his life has been forever changed.